Beans with sausages

Beans with sausages – one more classic dish from the Bulgarian cuisine. It is inexplicable why, but this taste and flavour that is carried around the kitchen when beans are being cooked is an integral part of Bulgarian life and a sense of things and the world.

True, it takes a long time to cook, but at the same time, every minute is worth it. And if you add, as in this case, a sausage or another nice meat with bones, everyone will “lick” their plates and you wouldn’t need to wash them 😉

Here, look how I did it this time, because you know – 10 cooks, 20 recipes. 🙂 I wish everyone a nice and tasty day!




 250 g beans
 1 big onion
 1 big carrot
 1 big pepper (or 2 smaller)
 2 sausages
 1 tsp. savory
 1 tsp. dry mint (or spice mix for beans)
 1 tbsp. universal spice (or salt)
 3 tbsp. Bulgarian lyutenitsa (chutney) or tomatoe puree
 5 tbsp. oil
 1 tbsp. flour (full)
 1 tbsp. red pepper powder
 a few twigs fresh mint

Prep Time15 minsCook Time1 hrTotal Time1 hr 15 mins




Beans are a very popular dish at the Bulgarian table and surely everyone knows how to cook. But there are different ways. Even I cook it differently every time. I'll show you how I did it this time.
Most people say that in order to keep your stomach from weighing, the beans must be soaked in water from the previous evening and the water is discarded before cooking. You can even add 1 tbsp. of baking soda.
Since I took the beans from the cabinet at the last moment, I was not prepared for beans cooking and so my beans were not pre-soaked. I just threw away as we say the "first water".
Now we start cooking:
Clean the beans and wash them well. Put it in the pot in which you will cook it and pour a little water - just 1-2 fingers higher than the level of the beans.

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Put the beans on the stove to boil the water and wait 1-2 minutes.

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Remove the pot from the stove and strain the beans.

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Add about 2 liters of cold water to the beans. I cooked it with a pressure cooker because the bean was bought from the store and I didn't know how old it was and how long it would take to cook it. If you use one too, close the lid well and follow the instructions of the pressure cooking pot and cook for about 30-40 minutes. If you have the patience to let it simmer in an ordinary pot, it is also a good option.

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While the beans are cooking, cut the vegetables.

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Once the beans are ready, remove the pressure cooker lid. We start to use the pot as a regular one. The beans must be semi-cooked or cooked, but not over-cooked. Add the vegetables and simmer on low heat.

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Add the dried spices as well.

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Slice the sausages.

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In about 5-10 minutes, while the vegetables are not ready yet, add the sausage to the pan.

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Add the chutney and stir. Let it cook until all the vegetables are cooked.

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Once everything is ready, start preparing the thickening. You can also go without frying and eat the beans as a soup. The other healthier option for thickening the beans is to mix in a separate bowl 1-2 tablespoons of flour, adding little by little cold water until it gets the consistency of a pancake mixture. Pour in the pot with the beans and cook for another 2-3 minutes to cook the flour.
Here is the other thickening way my mother makes. Put the oil in a separate pan. When hot, add the flour.

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Stir quickly and vigorously. The flour should be fried for 1-2 minutes.

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Once the flour is slightly colored, add the red pepper powder. You have to act fast, because the red pepper burns very quickly. Stir immediately.

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After frying for another minute, remove from the heat.

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Immediately pour the thickening mixture in the pot with the beans. Be careful, because mixing hot oil and bean water will spray uncomfortably.

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Stir and return to the stove for 1-2 minutes. Sprinkle with freshly chopped mint. It's ready!

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Serve with a glass of nice wine, bacon, freshly home baked bread or whatever else is on your mind. Enjoy!

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If I can do it, so can you!
Bon appetit!



 250 g beans
 1 big onion
 1 big carrot
 1 big pepper (or 2 smaller)
 2 sausages
 1 tsp. savory
 1 tsp. dry mint (or spice mix for beans)
 1 tbsp. universal spice (or salt)
 3 tbsp. Bulgarian lyutenitsa (chutney) or tomatoe puree
 5 tbsp. oil
 1 tbsp. flour (full)
 1 tbsp. red pepper powder
 a few twigs fresh mint



Beans are a very popular dish at the Bulgarian table and surely everyone knows how to cook. But there are different ways. Even I cook it differently every time. I'll show you how I did it this time.
Most people say that in order to keep your stomach from weighing, the beans must be soaked in water from the previous evening and the water is discarded before cooking. You can even add 1 tbsp. of baking soda.
Since I took the beans from the cabinet at the last moment, I was not prepared for beans cooking and so my beans were not pre-soaked. I just threw away as we say the "first water".
Now we start cooking:
Clean the beans and wash them well. Put it in the pot in which you will cook it and pour a little water - just 1-2 fingers higher than the level of the beans.

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Put the beans on the stove to boil the water and wait 1-2 minutes.

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Remove the pot from the stove and strain the beans.

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Add about 2 liters of cold water to the beans. I cooked it with a pressure cooker because the bean was bought from the store and I didn't know how old it was and how long it would take to cook it. If you use one too, close the lid well and follow the instructions of the pressure cooking pot and cook for about 30-40 minutes. If you have the patience to let it simmer in an ordinary pot, it is also a good option.

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While the beans are cooking, cut the vegetables.

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Once the beans are ready, remove the pressure cooker lid. We start to use the pot as a regular one. The beans must be semi-cooked or cooked, but not over-cooked. Add the vegetables and simmer on low heat.

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Add the dried spices as well.

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Slice the sausages.

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In about 5-10 minutes, while the vegetables are not ready yet, add the sausage to the pan.

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Add the chutney and stir. Let it cook until all the vegetables are cooked.

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Once everything is ready, start preparing the thickening. You can also go without frying and eat the beans as a soup. The other healthier option for thickening the beans is to mix in a separate bowl 1-2 tablespoons of flour, adding little by little cold water until it gets the consistency of a pancake mixture. Pour in the pot with the beans and cook for another 2-3 minutes to cook the flour.
Here is the other thickening way my mother makes. Put the oil in a separate pan. When hot, add the flour.

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Stir quickly and vigorously. The flour should be fried for 1-2 minutes.

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Once the flour is slightly colored, add the red pepper powder. You have to act fast, because the red pepper burns very quickly. Stir immediately.

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After frying for another minute, remove from the heat.

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Immediately pour the thickening mixture in the pot with the beans. Be careful, because mixing hot oil and bean water will spray uncomfortably.

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Stir and return to the stove for 1-2 minutes. Sprinkle with freshly chopped mint. It's ready!

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Serve with a glass of nice wine, bacon, freshly home baked bread or whatever else is on your mind. Enjoy!

Боб с наденица

Beans with sausages – recipe
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