Waffles by an old German recipe

It seems that waffles are people’s favorite sweet temptations… especially if one can combine it with chocolate, which is definitely a temptation number one ever!!! 🙂

This recipe I copied in my recipe notebook from a post by Dessy Ta in the Facebook group “I love to cook,” which covered in sufficient detail how the recipe was obtained. It stayed in my notebook for quite a long time, until it grabbed my attention again. Here it is, its time came now and all the waiting was really worth it. They are so tasty! And because my daughter decorated them, they are so extremely beautiful! Enjoy! 🙂




 125 g soft butter (room temperature)
 3 eggs
 250 g flour
 50 g sugar
 1 pinch salt
 1 sachet vanilla sugar
 2 tsp. baking powder
 250 ml milk
 grated peel of 1 lemon
 a few drops (up to 1 tbsp) of lemon juice
 optional decoration - jam, chocolate, icing sugar

Prep Time10 minsCook Time30 minsTotal Time40 mins




Put the sugar, vanilla sugar and soft butter in a bowl.

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Add a pinch of salt.

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Start adding the eggs one at a time, stirring until you obtain a homogeneous mixture after each egg.

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Add the flour mixed with the baking powder.

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Little by little, add the milk while stirring.

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You should get a thick cake-like dough mixture.

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Preheat the wafer and pour 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture into each well. The mixture for each waffle depends on the size and shape of your appliance.

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Once the waffles get red, remove them and arrange them in a large plate.

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Serve with chocolate, jam or icing sugar! Enjoy! 🙂

Гофрети по стара немска рецепта


Щом аз мога, значи и вие можете!
Добър апетит!



 125 g soft butter (room temperature)
 3 eggs
 250 g flour
 50 g sugar
 1 pinch salt
 1 sachet vanilla sugar
 2 tsp. baking powder
 250 ml milk
 grated peel of 1 lemon
 a few drops (up to 1 tbsp) of lemon juice
 optional decoration - jam, chocolate, icing sugar



Put the sugar, vanilla sugar and soft butter in a bowl.

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Add a pinch of salt.

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Start adding the eggs one at a time, stirring until you obtain a homogeneous mixture after each egg.

Гофрети по стара немска рецепта


Add the flour mixed with the baking powder.

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Little by little, add the milk while stirring.

Гофрети по стара немска рецепта


You should get a thick cake-like dough mixture.

Гофрети по стара немска рецепта


Preheat the wafer and pour 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture into each well. The mixture for each waffle depends on the size and shape of your appliance.

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Once the waffles get red, remove them and arrange them in a large plate.

Гофрети по стара немска рецепта


Serve with chocolate, jam or icing sugar! Enjoy! 🙂

Гофрети по стара немска рецепта

Waffles by an old German recipe – recipe
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